
protecting your family during a divorce

4 Things Every Divorce Lawyer Wishes You Knew

Did you know that 50% of married couples in the U.S., end in divorce? When you're newly married, you're in love and would never imagine life away from your partner. But along the way, things change, people change, and you may not be happy with the marriage life or your partner anymore.  But even before you go ahead with your divorce, there are various things every divorce lawyer wishes you knew. Read More 

What You Need to Know About Divorce and Contempt of Court

A divorce legally ends your marriage contract. You receive a divorce decree that lays out the terms of the divorce. Part of that decree includes a stipulation that you both agree to abide by the terms of the decree upon punishment. That punishment consists of a contempt of court charge. If you are uncertain about any part of your divorce decree, the following information may be helpful: How Can You Be Held in Contempt of Court? Read More 

5 Tips To Guide You Through Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation can be a great way to work out issues with the divorce without going through litigation. However, it can be easy to make mistakes if you have never done it before. Here are some tips to follow to help guide you through the process.  Use A Trained Divorce Mediator Divorce mediation is definitely something that you want to have performed by a trained divorce mediator. There are a lot of skills that a divorce mediator needs to have to successfully run the process, and you can't just pick anybody to be the person that helps negotiate things between you and your spouse. Read More 

Personal Injury Cases For Nursing Home Malnourishment

When you move your loved one into a nursing home, you put a lot of trust in this company to care for your loved one. In some cases, the company is not as trustworthy as you think. They could engage in poor staffing practices, for example. As a result of these practices, your loved one could be malnourished or dehydrated. Could you pursue a personal injury case as a result? Read More 

About Me

protecting your family during a divorce

Going through a divorce is hard enough, but to have to deal with all of the exasperating issues that come with going through a divorce when children are involved makes matters worse. When my ex-husband and I decided that it was time to move forward from a separation to a divorce, it took a while for us to actually make the move. This blog was created using my own personal experiences. You will learn what you need to do to protect your kids and your family from the terrible things that can happen during a divorce when there are children involved.

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